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Showing 104 of 104 results

Id Decision Date Employer Status Job Title Wage Offer
I-200-22257-471908 2022-09-21 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Systems Analysis Engineer $80,059.00 to $144,103.00 /Year
I-200-22255-466673 2022-09-19 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Computational Transportation Engineer $80,059.00 to $144,103.00 /Year
I-200-22251-462582 2022-09-15 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Postdoctoral Appointee $63,213.00 to $105,341.00 /Year
I-200-22250-458548 2022-09-14 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Assistant Scientist $80,059.00 to $144,103.00 /Year
I-200-22244-451853 2022-09-09 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Postdoctoral Appointee $64,022.00 to $105,341.00 /Year
I-200-22243-449155 2022-09-08 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Sustainability Analyst $89,544.00 to $144,103.00 /Year
I-200-22243-449030 2022-09-08 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Assistant Computer Scientist $106,059.00 to $144,103.00 /Year
I-200-22236-435617 2022-08-31 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Argonne Scholar- Walter Massey Fellowship $73,420.00 to $128,480.00 /Year
I-200-22236-435875 2022-08-31 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Nuclear Engineer $80,059.00 to $144,103.00 /Year
I-200-22236-435780 2022-08-31 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Post-Bachelor Earth Science Appointment $59,613.00 to $82,427.00 /Year
I-200-22243-448859 2022-08-31 Uchicago Argonne Llc Withdrawn Postdoctoral Appointee $64,022.00 to $105,341.00 /Year
I-200-22220-402901 2022-08-15 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Postdoctoral Appointee $63,213.00 to $105,341.00 /Year
I-200-22220-403274 2022-08-15 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Survey and Alignment Section Leader $119,870.00 to $239,762.00 /Year
I-200-22215-394645 2022-08-10 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Postdoctoral Appointee $63,213.00 to $105,341.00 /Year
I-200-22213-388087 2022-08-08 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Computer Scientist $121,909.00 to $175,864.00 /Year
I-200-22213-388605 2022-08-08 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Assistant Computational Biologist $80,059.00 to $144,103.00 /Year
I-200-22209-383326 2022-08-04 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Advanced Mobility Research Engineer $106,059.00 to $144,103.00 /Year
I-200-22208-380020 2022-08-03 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Assistant Computational Scientist $106,059.00 to $144,103.00 /Year
I-200-22207-376372 2022-08-02 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Nuclear Engineer $80,059.00 to $144,103.00 /Year
I-200-22206-374224 2022-08-01 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Postdoctoral Appointee $63,213.00 to $105,341.00 /Year
I-200-22199-358722 2022-07-25 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Assistant Computer Scientist $106,059.00 to $144,103.00 /Year
I-200-22194-349805 2022-07-20 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Assistant Computational Scientist $80,059.00 to $144,103.00 /Year
I-200-22194-349704 2022-07-20 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Nuclear Engineer $80,059.00 to $144,103.00 /Year
I-200-22187-335619 2022-07-13 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Application Performance Engineer $106,059.00 to $144,103.00 /Year
I-200-22186-332352 2022-07-12 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Assistant Computational Statistician $80,142.00 to $144,103.00 /Year
I-200-22186-332598 2022-07-12 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Nuclear Engineer $80,059.00 to $144,103.00 /Year
I-200-22181-324357 2022-07-08 UCHICAGO ARGONNE LLC Certified Nuclear Engineer $108,171.00 /Year
I-200-22180-322152 2022-07-07 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Physicist $95,097.00 to $175,864.00 /Year
I-200-22186-331784 2022-07-05 Uchicago Argonne Llc Withdrawn Assistant Computational Statistician $80,142.00 to $144,103.00 /Year
I-200-22178-314372 2022-07-05 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Computational Transportation Engineer $80,059.00 to $144,103.00 /Year
I-200-22178-314694 2022-07-05 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Postdoctoral Appointee $81,723.00 to $105,341.00 /Year
I-200-22180-322198 2022-06-29 UCHICAGO ARGONNE LLC Withdrawn Nuclear Engineer $108,171.00 /Year
I-200-22172-301316 2022-06-28 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Postdoctoral Appointee $63,213.00 to $105,341.00 /Year
I-200-22166-284647 2022-06-23 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Postdoctoral Appointee $63,213.00 to $105,341.00 /Year
I-200-22166-284378 2022-06-23 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Energy Systems Analyst $80,059.00 to $144,103.00 /Year
I-200-22165-279730 2022-06-22 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Postdoctoral Appointee $63,213.00 to $105,341.00 /Year
I-200-22164-274938 2022-06-21 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Research Engineer $80,059.00 to $144,103.00 /Year
I-200-22160-262616 2022-06-16 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Computational Scientist $95,097.00 to $175,864.00 /Year
I-200-22158-253920 2022-06-14 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Numerical Modeler/Coastal Hydrology $82,098.00 to $144,103.00 /Year
I-200-22158-254245 2022-06-14 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Electrical Engineer $80,059.00 to $144,103.00 /Year
I-200-22158-253948 2022-06-13 Uchicago Argonne Llc Withdrawn Research Engineer $80,059.00 to $144,103.00 /Year
I-200-22153-236460 2022-06-09 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Postdoctoral Appointee $81,723.00 to $105,341.00 /Year
I-200-22158-253830 2022-06-07 Uchicago Argonne Llc Withdrawn Research Engineer $80,059.00 to $144,103.00 /Year
I-200-22158-253409 2022-06-07 Uchicago Argonne Llc Withdrawn Numerical Modeler/Coastal Hydrology $82,098.00 to $144,103.00 /Year
I-200-22151-226994 2022-06-07 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Energy Systems Analyst $82,098.00 to $144,103.00 /Year
I-200-22153-236701 2022-06-03 Uchicago Argonne Llc Withdrawn Computational Scientist $80,059.00 to $144,103.00 /Year
I-200-22146-214672 2022-06-03 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Assistant Climate Scientist $80,059.00 to $144,103.00 /Year
I-200-22145-211115 2022-06-02 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Assistant Computer Scientist- Data Systems $93,642.00 to $144,103.00 /Year
I-200-22137-179980 2022-05-24 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Mechanical/Chemical Engineer $80,059.00 to $144,103.00 /Year
I-200-22131-161331 2022-05-18 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Assistant Computational Mathematician $80,059.00 to $144,103.00 /Year
I-200-22131-160996 2022-05-18 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Postdoctoral Appointee $81,723.00 to $105,341.00 /Year
I-200-22130-154158 2022-05-17 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Postdoctoral Appointee $63,213.00 to $105,341.00 /Year
I-200-22131-161258 2022-05-11 Uchicago Argonne Llc Withdrawn Assistant Computational Mathematician $80,059.00 to $144,103.00 /Year
I-200-22125-139451 2022-05-10 Uchicago Argonne Llc Withdrawn Postdoctoral Appointee $63,627.00 to $105,341.00 /Year
I-200-22122-127606 2022-05-09 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Assistant Physicist $80,059.00 to $144,103.00 /Year
I-200-22119-120190 2022-05-02 Uchicago Argonne Llc Withdrawn Assistant Computer Scientist $120,498.83 to $144,103.00 /Year
I-200-22108-080176 2022-04-25 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Faculty Researcher $12,378.86 /Month
I-200-22094-035609 2022-04-11 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Computer Scientist $108,410.00 to $175,864.00 /Year
I-200-22090-025285 2022-04-07 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Physicist $95,097.00 to $175,864.00 /Year
I-200-22088-019314 2022-04-05 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Postdoctoral Appointee $63,213.00 to $105,341.00 /Year
I-200-22088-018619 2022-04-05 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Principal Nuclear Engineer $105,877.00 to $175,864.00 /Year
I-200-22088-018320 2022-04-05 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Postdoctoral Appointee $63,213.00 to $105,341.00 /Year
I-200-22083-008188 2022-03-31 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Postdoctoral Appointee $78,750.00 /Year
I-200-22081-999396 2022-03-29 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Postdoctoral Appointee $63,213.00 to $105,341.00 /Year
I-200-22075-984183 2022-03-23 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Postdoctoral Appointee $63,213.00 to $105,341.00 /Year
I-200-22074-979460 2022-03-22 UCHICAGO ARGONNE LLC Certified Principal Nuclear Engineer $124,718.57 /Year
I-200-22073-977226 2022-03-21 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Postdoctoral Appointee $63,627.00 to $105,341.00 /Year
I-200-22073-977439 2022-03-21 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Postdoctoral Appointee $63,213.00 to $105,341.00 /Year
I-200-22068-963428 2022-03-16 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Postdoctoral Appointee $63,213.00 to $105,341.00 /Year
I-200-22068-963698 2022-03-16 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Energy Systems Analyst $82,098.00 to $144,103.00 /Year
I-200-22053-919837 2022-03-01 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Applied Materials Division $75,000.00 /Year
I-200-22053-922133 2022-03-01 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Materials Scientist $90,085.00 to $144,103.00 /Year
I-200-22046-902573 2022-02-23 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Beam Diagnostics Electrical Engineer $80,870.00 to $144,103.00 /Year
I-200-22032-869413 2022-02-08 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Systems Specialist $93,642.00 to $144,103.00 /Year
I-200-22032-868753 2022-02-08 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Assistant Microbiologist and Data Analyst $80,059.00 to $144,103.00 /Year
I-200-22025-853050 2022-02-01 UCHICAGO ARGONNE LLC Certified Scientist – Cultural Resource Specialist $95,000.00 /Year
I-200-22025-851725 2022-02-01 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Postdoctoral Appointee $63,213.00 to $105,341.00 /Year
I-200-22017-834022 2022-01-24 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Research Scientist $80,059.00 to $144,103.00 /Year
I-200-22012-824756 2022-01-20 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Postdoctoral Appointee $63,213.00 to $105,341.00 /Year
I-200-22011-822657 2022-01-19 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Assistant Physicist $93,642.00 to $144,103.00 /Year
I-200-22010-818624 2022-01-18 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Postdoctoral Appointee $63,213.00 to $105,341.00 /Year
I-200-22010-818394 2022-01-18 Uchicago Argonne Llc Certified Assistant Staff Scientist $80,288.00 to $144,103.00 /Year
I-200-22004-806736 2022-01-11 UCHICAGO ARGONNE LLC Certified Assistant Scientist $96,000.00 /Year
I-200-21356-782986 2021-12-30 UCHICAGO ARGONNE LLC Certified Assistant Computer Scientist $95,056.00 to $142,668.00 /Year
I-200-21355-779987 2021-12-29 UCHICAGO ARGONNE LLC Certified Assistant Computer Science Specialist $95,056.00 to $142,668.00 /Year
I-200-21356-780732 2021-12-29 UCHICAGO ARGONNE LLC Certified Assistant Computational Mathematician $113,688.00 /Year
I-200-21356-780734 2021-12-29 UCHICAGO ARGONNE LLC Certified Assistant Computational Mathematician $113,688.00 /Year
I-200-21355-779760 2021-12-29 UCHICAGO ARGONNE LLC Certified Postdoctoral Appointee $61,372.38 to $102,273.36 /Year
I-200-21341-749024 2021-12-14 UCHICAGO ARGONNE LLC Certified Assistant Computer Scientist $95,056.00 to $142,668.00 /Year
I-200-21340-745831 2021-12-13 UCHICAGO ARGONNE LLC Certified Assistant Scientist $121,000.00 /Year
I-200-21340-745841 2021-12-13 UCHICAGO ARGONNE LLC Certified Assistant Scientist $121,000.00 /Year
I-200-21322-713728 2021-11-26 UCHICAGO ARGONNE LLC Certified Postdoctoral Appointee $78,000.00 /Year
I-200-21321-711684 2021-11-24 UCHICAGO ARGONNE LLC Certified Postdoctoral Appointee $61,372.38 to $102,273.36 /Year
I-200-21321-711917 2021-11-24 UCHICAGO ARGONNE LLC Certified Associate Laboratory Director $420,000.00 /Year
I-200-21321-711276 2021-11-24 UCHICAGO ARGONNE LLC Certified Postdoctoral Appointee $81,723.00 to $102,273.36 /Year
I-200-21315-700907 2021-11-18 UCHICAGO ARGONNE LLC Certified Postdoctoral Appointee $81,723.00 to $102,273.36 /Year
I-200-21307-685799 2021-11-10 UCHICAGO ARGONNE LLC Certified Postdoctoral Appointee $63,627.00 to $102,273.36 /Year
I-200-21307-685758 2021-11-10 UCHICAGO ARGONNE LLC Certified Assistant Chemist $79,268.00 to $142,668.00 /Year
I-200-21301-673445 2021-11-04 UCHICAGO ARGONNE LLC Certified Research Scientist $112,097.00 /Year
I-200-21294-660614 2021-10-28 UCHICAGO ARGONNE LLC Certified Assistant Computational Scientist $108,410.00 to $142,668.00 /Year
I-200-21294-660217 2021-10-28 UCHICAGO ARGONNE LLC Certified Computer Science- Data Services Architect $79,268.00 to $142,668.00 /Year
I-200-21287-645126 2021-10-21 UCHICAGO ARGONNE LLC Certified Postdoctoral Appointee $81,900.00 /Year
I-200-21281-633707 2021-10-18 UCHICAGO ARGONNE LLC Certified Postdoctoral Appointee $61,372.38 to $102,273.36 /Year
I-200-21277-623481 2021-10-12 UCHICAGO ARGONNE LLC Certified Postdoctoral Appointee $72,825.00 /Year